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The Shareholder Report independently initiates coverage of companies without any influence other than being a shareholder of the company.  It is NOT paid or compensated to imitate coverage of a company.

Once a company has been profiled for an extended period of time, T$R is open to accepting compensation for services as well as sponsorships for advertising.  

Although everyone associated with The Shareholder Report are investors and not traders, they can buy or sell shares of the companies at any time with no prior notice.

Sponsorship Info

If T$R accepts a sponsorship from a company that it independently initiated coverage on, the terms of the sponsorship are as follows (sponsorship automatically applies to any profiled company that compensates T$R for a duration of 1 month per service rendered):

  • Sponsorship is only available to companies that have been actively profiled by T$R for an extended period of time (i.e. a company that T$R independently chose to profile without any influence or compensation)
  • The logo of the company & the link to its corporate website will be advertised on T$R’s membership website
  • The company’s dedicated research page will be readily available for all visitors (no membership required)
  • Sponsorship does not include the creation of any content
  • If any content on the company is created, it will not change how T$R does business.
      • T$R creates content independently
      • T$R has the freedom to create content when it chooses to do so
      • T$R does not coordinate content with the company
      • T$R’s content is not reviewed or screened for approval by the company prior to being released
      • T$R’s views, opinions & content do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the company being discussed
  • All content created while being sponsored will be clearly marked at the top of each article or report with the following:
      • “CONTENT CREATED WHILE BEING SPONSORED (COMPENSATED) BY (insert company) FROM (insert dates)”
  • For specific details on a sponsorship, refer to the applicable company in the disclosure section found at the bottom of the content’s  page or the disclosure page found under the website info tab
  • If a profiled company compensates T$R for anything it has done, it will be deemed a sponsor for a certain amount of time determined by T$R

Company Disclosures

The company disclosures include both The Shareholder Report (T$R) as a business as well as the personal actions of D4, the founder of T$R, as an independent shareholder.

Doubleview Gold

D4 is biased as both he and his spouse, who is not affiliated with T$R, are shareholders of Doubleview Gold. T$R independently initiated coverage of Doubleview Gold on 14 June, 2020.

Compensation & Sponsorship: None

Financing Participation: None

Promotional Items Received: July 2020 – D4 as well as his spouse both received a baseball hat from Doubleview Gold.  The company publicly announced that any shareholder could receive a company hat for free and it was available to any shareholder upon request.


D4 is biased as both he and his spouse, who is not affiliated with T$R, are shareholders of ESGold.  T$R independently initiated coverage of ESGold on 01 February, 2022.

Compensation & Sponsorship:
August, 2024 – After the release of the report on ESGold on 02 July, 2024, the company (ESGold) offered to compensate T$R for the article & consequently, T$R featured it as a sponsor from 01 – 31 August, 2024.  On 23 August, 2024 & in lieu of cash, T$R received 250,000 shares of ESGold from Computershare (DRS).  After the regulatory 4 month holding period, T$R intends to hold the shares for investment purposes.  Due to T$R’s extensive coverage of ESGold, the company has expressed a desire to compensate T$R for the creation of content in the future.

October, 2024 – On 29 October, 2024, T$R’s founder (D4), received finders fees of C$19,000 & 195,121 warrants (exercise price of C$0.15 & expire 12 months after being issues) due to the financing that closed on 30 September, 2024. D4 is responsible for finding C$243,901 of the total financing of C$610,901, representing approximately 40% of the total value. hyperlink

March, 2025 – On 01 March, 2025, T$R billed ESGold for services rendered for the creation of 2 reports. To preserve some degree of independence aside from payment, ESGold did not contribute any ideas on the topic or substance. After publication, the company was only entitled to view the reports after being publicly released. Once the payment of C$50,000 is received, this section will be updated to reflect receipt of payment.

Financing Participation: July 2022 – D4 participated in a financing but the warrants expired without being exercised.

Promotional Items Received: July 2022- I received a free hat from ESGold.  ESGold was giving away free hats and T-shirts to people that wanted them (I didn’t receive a T-shirt as they had already given them all out).

Links of Interest

For information on The Shareholder Report, please see Home Page

For subscription info, please see Subscription Info

For the Investopedia definition of disclosure, please see Investopedia “What is a Disclosure: Explained in Plain English”